What’s the advantage of wheeled walker?

When it comes to choosing the right walker for your needs, it’s important to choose one that not only suits your lifestyle but one that’s affordable and within your budget as well. Both wheeled and not wheeled walkers have their pros and cons, and we will talk about the pros of wheeled walker below.
Wheeled walker is suitable for patients with lower extremity dysfunction which stop them lifting the walker for walk. Among the wheeled walkers, they can be divided into two-wheel, and four-wheel; they are available in various forms with auxiliary support functions such as a seat and hand brake.


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The front wheeled walker, also known as two-wheel walker does not require the patient to remember any walking gaits when using, and also does not require strength and balance which are necessary to lift the walker during application. It is easier to operate than a standard walker and useful for frail elderly and spina bifida patients, but it takes a large space to be handy.
The four-wheel walker is flexible in operation and can be divided into two forms: the four wheels can be rotated all time or the front wheels are all time rotated while the rear wheel can be fixed in position if needed.


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While using a wheeled walker for walk, the walker don’t even need to leave the ground. It is easy to move with the wheels which reduce the friction. But it is not as stable as the an unwheeled one.
According to your body condition, you should choose the walking aids that suits yourself. Pay more attention and master more knowledge about the safety of the elderly.

Post time: Nov-17-2022