Things to Consider When Purchasing a Wheelchair for a Senior!

There are a lot of things to consider when purchasing a wheelchair for a senior, including features, weight, comfort and (of course) the price tag. For example, a wheelchair comes in three different widths and has multiple options for leg rests and arms, which can affect the price of the chair. Let’s break down some of the common wheelchair features you need to consider before making a purchase.


A wheelchair can cost anywhere from one hundred dollars to a thousand dollars or more depending on the make and model. Not everyone has the budget or need for an expensive wheelchair. Be sure to research all your options beforehand either online or in person at a mobility equipment store. It’s always a good idea to balance quality and cost when making your choice!

When purchasing a wheelchair for a senior, it’s important to consider the weight of the user and the weight of the chair itself. Heavier seniors may require heavy duty chairs that are tip resistant and built to support larger people.

It’s also a good idea to think about who will be lifting the wheelchair into a car or van for transport. If an elderly person is caring for their spouse, you may want to consider purchasing a lightweight chair that can be easily folded and put it in a vehicle.

Wheelchairs come in a variety of widths depending on the model. A wider wheelchair can often provide more comfort for seniors, which is a plus, but you’ll want to measure the door frames in your home and the width of your vehicle’s trunk before making the purchase.

If you’ll mostly be using the chair indoors, it may be a good idea to invest in a smaller transport chair or compact electric wheelchair.

There are a number of factors that can affect how comfortable a wheelchair is, including the upholstery and padding. A chair that is built using high-quality materials will typically be more comfortable than one that has sub-standard construction. It’s also important to consider how the leg rests and armrests function.

Post time: Sep-22-2022