The difference between transport chairs?

Transport wheelchairs, though similar to traditional wheelchairs, have a couple of distinct differences. They are more lightweight and compact and, most importantly, they do not have rotating handrails because they are not designed for independent use.

 Transport Chair

Instead of being pushed along by the user, ransport chairst are pushed along by a second person, a helper. So, this is a two man chair, commonly seen in retirement homes and hospital. It only moves if a fully mobile assistant directs it. The advantage is that transport chairs are simpler and far less bulky than true wheelchairs. They can also access more narrow or steeper environments, including narrow doorways in your home.


And also transport chairs may be a better choice when travelling on things like trains, trams or buses. They can usually be folded, unlike many standard wheelchairs, and made narrower to slip down aisles and over single steps. On the whole, however, a wheelchair is still the superior option for anybody who wants to move around truly independently.


The average weight of a steel transport chair is 15-35lbs. The seat is normally slightly smaller than that of a wheelchair, typically being around 16″ x 16″ depending on the shape of the chair’s core frame. Both front and back wheels are almost always the same size unlike with a standard wheelchair. They typically have no mechanism for individual use and only a very simple on-off brake.


Post time: Sep-23-2022