Sports wheelchairs facilitate healthy living

For people who like sports but have mobility difficulties due to various diseases, sports wheelchair is a kind of specially designed and customized wheelchair for wheelchair users to participate in a particular sport

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The benefits of a sports wheelchair are as follows:

Improve mobility: Sports wheelchairs can help wheelchair users move independently or assist in indoor and outdoor mobility, increase the range of activities, participate in social activities, carry out self-care, complete work, study, travel and other affairs.

Improve physical fitness: Sports wheelchairs can help wheelchair users develop heart and lung function and muscle strength, improve spine and core strength, and prevent muscle atrophy and osteoporosis.

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Maintain healthy organ function: Sports wheelchairs can help wheelchair users improve bladder empties, prevent pressure sores, improve the resilience of the cardiovascular system, and improve blood circulation and metabolism.

Mental health: Sports wheelchairs can help wheelchair users get rid of long-term bedridden predicament, receive more information from the outside world, build more sense of presence and self-confidence, and maintain and improve mental health.

Improve sleep and metabolic function: Sports wheelchairs can help wheelchair users overcome sleep and metabolic function disorders, improve health

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LC710l-30 is a standard wheelchair for track and field competition. It is a wheelchair specially designed for wheelchair runners. The wheelchair has three wheels, among which the front wheel is smaller and the rear wheel is larger, which can improve the speed and stability, the handle is shaped like a handle, allowing the user to better control direction and speed, improving comfort and safety 


Post time: Jun-05-2023