Development Prospects and Opportunities of Rehabilitation Medical Device Industry

Since there is still a big gap between my country's rehabilitation medical industry and the mature rehabilitation medical system in developed countries, there is still a lot of room for growth in the rehabilitation medical industry, which will drive the development of the rehabilitation medical device industry. In addition, considering the increase in the number of people in need of rehabilitation medical care and the enhancement of residents' ability and willingness to pay due to the comprehensive coverage of medical insurance, the development potential of the rehabilitation medical device industry is still huge.

1. The broad growth space of the rehabilitation medical industry drives the development of rehabilitation medical devices

Although the demand for rehabilitation medical care in my country is increasing and the tertiary rehabilitation medical system is also in the process of continuous development, the rehabilitation medical resources are mainly concentrated in the tertiary general hospitals, which are still mainly to provide rehabilitation medical services to patients in the acute stage of the disease. The perfect three-level rehabilitation system in developed countries can not only ensure that patients receive appropriate rehabilitation services, but also timely referral to save medical expenses.

Taking the United States as an example, tertiary rehabilitation is generally carried out in acute phase rehabilitation institutions, mainly for patients in acute phase to intervene as soon as possible during treatment in emergency hospitals or general hospitals to carry out bedside rehabilitation; secondary rehabilitation is generally carried out in post-acute phase treatment institutions, mainly in After the patient's condition is stable, they are transferred to the rehabilitation hospital for rehabilitation treatment; the first-level rehabilitation is generally carried out in long-term care institutions (rehabilitation clinics and community outpatient clinics, etc.), mainly when patients do not need hospitalization and can be transferred to community and family rehabilitation.

As the infrastructure construction of the rehabilitation medical system needs to purchase a large number of rehabilitation medical equipment, the Ministry of Health issued the "Guidelines for the Construction and Management of Rehabilitation Medicine Departments in General Hospitals" in 2011 and the "Basic Standards for Rehabilitation Medicine Departments in General Hospitals (Trial)" issued in 2012 as For example, general hospitals at level 2 and above require the establishment of rehabilitation medicine departments, and require the configuration of standardized rehabilitation medical equipment. Therefore, the subsequent construction of rehabilitation medical equipment will bring a large number of procurement demands for rehabilitation medical equipment, thereby driving the entire rehabilitation medical equipment industry. develop.

2. The growth of the population in need of rehabilitation

At present, the population in need of rehabilitation is mainly composed of the post-operative population, the elderly population, the chronically ill population and the disabled population.

Postoperative rehabilitation is a rigid need. Surgery generally causes psychological and physical trauma to patients. Lack of postoperative rehabilitation can easily lead to postoperative pain and complications, while postoperative rehabilitation can help patients recover quickly from surgical trauma, hinder the occurrence of complications, and improve patients’ health. Spirit and restore the function of the organs. In 2017, the number of inpatient surgeries in medical and health institutions in my country reached 50 million, and in 2018, it reached 58 million. It is expected that the number of postoperative patients will continue to grow in the future, driving the continuous expansion of the demand side of the rehabilitation medical industry.

The growth of the elderly group will bring a strong impetus to the growth of demand in the rehabilitation medical industry. The trend of population aging in my country is already very significant. According to the National Aging Office's "Research Report on the Development Trend of Population Aging in China", the period from 2021 to 2050 is the stage of accelerated aging of my country's population, and the proportion of the population over 60 years old will increase from 2018. from 17.9% to over 30% in 2050. A large number of new elderly groups will bring about a substantial increase in the demand for rehabilitation medical services and rehabilitation medical devices, especially the expansion of the elderly group with physical function deficiency or impairment, which will drive the expansion of the demand for rehabilitation medical devices.

Post time: Jul-20-2022